Islam is more than a religion
Islam is your birthrightIslam is for the whole mankind
Islam is the soft but swift breeze that removes the heavy but yet invisible veil that covers the reality of this world
Islam is for all mankind
Islam is for people who think
Islam is growing in America; its members defy stereotypes
Islam is winning black America
Islam is peace says president
Islam is the religion of love
Islam is innocent of criminal acts
Islam is a nation of peace
Islam is not terrorism
Islam is not the source of terrorism
Islam is an utmost necessity
Islam is true
Islam is clear
Islam is wealthy
Islam is unfamiliar
Islam is what it is
Islam is evil
Islam is everywhere
Islam is modern
Islam is comprehensive
Islam is complete
Islam is dynamic
Islam is not Islamic
Islam is a Muslim
Islam is peace Islam is ease Islam is beautiful Islam is successful Islam is harmony Islam is unity Islam is purity Islam is sanity Islam is love
Islam is more than a religion
Islam is more than the Koran
Islam is a code of life
Islam is the religion of the devil
Islam is the solution
Islam is our only choice
Islam is on the march
Islam is not the source if terrorism but its solution
Islam is a way of life and of belief revealed by God
Islam is our fight, too
Islam is an ideology
Islam is put in class with communism
Islam is not about extremist politics
Islam is a quixotic quest
Islam is not a modern phenomenon
Islam is incompatible with terrorism
Islam is the perfect control for the fitrah
Islam is frequently misunderstood and may even seem exotic in some parts of today's world
Islam is a religion of tolerance
Islam is xenophobia
Islam is winning black America; now is the time to turn the tide
Islam is the only truly universal religion
Islam is revived after every kerbala
Islam is the best
Islam is not the culprit
Islam is the strongest moral force on earth
Islam is bad? then look at Christianity
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